Former Dean Pays Back Legacy of Values-Based Education with Endowed Scholarship Fund

Photo of Robert F. Vizza
Robert F. Vizza

Robert F. Vizza, who served as dean of the Manhattan University School of Business from 1967 to 1985, says of his service: “To have shared the mission of the University with the Christian Brothers, who were and are living examples of dedication to values in education, was indeed gratifying.”

When asked what happened in his life that made this gift possible, without hesitation Bob replied, “My grandparents were immigrants to the USA. They established families here and took advantage of the opportunities available in this country at that time.” Bob’s family taught him the importance of determination, hard work, integrity, and respect for all people—which led to certain career successes that made this gift possible.

Like many of his generation the family experienced many difficult times during the Depression. Bob was fortunate to win a scholarship that allowed him to attend Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School where he first experienced the values-based education of the Lasallian Christian Brothers. Values learned from his family and the Lasallian Christian Brothers—along with a deep appreciation of education—were strengthened during his school years and have been a mainstay of his life.

“My wife Joan and I would not have been able to get the education we did in a values-based institution without financial aid. Therefore we want to give others the same opportunity we had to make something of their lives. A scholarship fund enables us to give back in a meaningful way. We are pleased to support the work of the University.”


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